WHO is 'WE'?
My name is 'Rob' Smith, I am a motorcyclist and I have Parkinson's Disease.
2024 I will have had a riding career of 50 years. I have been a Chief Motorcycle Instructor for the licensing authority in Victoria, Australia,
motorcycle crash,investigator and safety researcher.
The rest of 'we' will become apparent in the TEAMS section and individual details available as we progress.
You can read it in the NEWSLETTER HERE
I envisage two riding teams: Team Alpha and Team Beta, consisting of a total of 12 riders at any one time, male or female for the ten days.
Each rider would be required to be available for riding on the island for a minimum of 5 days and ride a total of four hours a day including at night
. The ride times would be rostered in advance andiders would be expected to be alcohol and drug free when required to ride.
All riders would have to sign a waiver stating that they understand the risks and wish to participate.
Team Alpha - Consisting of ParkyRiders, or carers and friends.
Team Beta - support riders. These would include:
People with a first aid qualification and the ability to accompany the Team Alpha rider on their own motorcycle to ensure safety and legal compliance.
Support vehicle drivers -
These would accompany the Alpha rider with a spare rider for any situation that might arise and provide way finding for night riding.
(The first mountain at night when the cloud drops is a scary and lonely place)
Betas would also include anyone willing to give up their time to come and support the project in whatever form they can.
For example, my German friend Margit whohas already kindly committed to providing post ride massage for riders and team members.
Roads open at all times allows continuous laps. All road laws and speed limits MUST
be adhered to at all times. This is NOT a competition, success relies on finishing.
Riders not complying will be replaced by the back-up rider. Each Alpharider will do four laps in a day, which is 152 miles requiring six riders per day.
At every fourth lap rider swap, the motorcycle would be re-fuelled. (Something that would require the motorcycle to be modified to achieve if the engine is to keep running)
Following completion of the two lap stint, unless surplus riders were available, the
Alpha rider standing down would be required to become the back-up rider travellingin the support vehicle for the two laps of the subsequent Alpha rider.
My name is Pit Moch. i try to help Rob while he trys to get the spectacular event on the rod..-)
i have also that shittty parkinson deasise,what makes Rob and me to brothers in arms..
foe example-- i m resposible for making this website
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