£15,000 (approximately) - This is a worse case figure that may be more or less.
At this time we have NO money and
will need to raise it. Figures placed against items below are guides only and estimates of what it might have to cost if we cannot get good will or sponsorship.
Any money unspent will go towards the donation total.
Motorcycle Issues? - Punctures. Damage. Re-fueling. Tyre wear.
• Support van - Sponsor or GoFundme? Borrowed or hired from somewhere or provided by sponsor x14 days
o Hire van (diesel) - 50mpg - 800 litres @£2 per litre?? = £1600
o Hire van per day @ £100 = £1400 (estimate)
• Support bikes - Sponsor/Owner provided. Support riders to provide their own bikes and suitable riding gear, including wet weather gear - #
Custom Hi/Viz to be provided
• Fuel - Sponsor or GoFundme??? = 2 bikes - 50mpg = 152gallons/684 liper bike @ £1.7 = £1162.8 x2 (£2325.6 - estimate) We may have this covered TBC
• Communications - (Radios) - Sponsor or GoFundme
TV -BBC ??. Connection would be great…
If the MDs can help with any of these it'll be great but the stuff in green below would
be best suited to someone on the ground who knows the area and may have Contacts.•
Accommodation and garage/shelter/rest area - Sponsor or GoFundme?
House through AirBnB - 14 days sleeping 6 adults, 6 bedrooms. £3000
• Pit area - Pit lane perhaps? somewhere that is out of the weather that can be a mechanics area as well as a comfort area. Cost unknown???
Permissions - from IOM Police and Tourist Board? ACHIEVED
• Insurance - Motorcycle cover and Public Liability
• GoFund me page - discuss with others URGENT
• Motorcycle - Sponsor? Automatic to prevent stalling. Fully faired with good equipment such as heated grips
(Police livery perhaps?). One of the current crop of Super scoots would be ideal as they can be ridden by anyone and are
impossible to stall under normal riding conditions.
We may have to buy our own scoot which may cost up to £2000• Mechanic/Tools - ???
• Paramedics - ??? Volunteers? - Currently I have lots of people saying they will help which is very kind, This may change by the time the event arrives.
• Ferry - ? Steam Packet Company Sponsor or GoFundme? (Current costs are
£150 approx 1 car 2 adults return)
• Media - Website construction and upkeep
• Celebrity - Approach to:
1. Ewan McGregor
2. Guy Martin
3. James May
4. Richard Hammond
5. Ross Noble
• PR - To ensure good coverage, get riders as well as support and money.
Potential for TV
• General expenses - Food etc - Sponsor or GoFundme? To be budgeted for riders and active team members
• Supporters donations - Air Ambulance, IOM Constabulary.
It may be appropriate in the spirit of collaboration to make a donation to back up+ services at the conclusion of the event
• Mission Accomplished Celebration and presentation of commemorative
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