The Isle of Man TT course. Roads Open
Course length - 38 miles - 1 lap = 1 hour - This equates to 7600 miles which is
roughly the same as a lap of the UK.
PMy belief is that, subject to confirmation, no-one has done this before and we may be
looking at a Guinness Book of Records achievement.
However the record is not the important part for me. Being a Parkinson's sufferer I
want to raise money for PD research and also inspire sufferers to not give up on their
passions until the last possible moment. To this end I would like the riding to bedone by either
(Rider's with Parkinson's Disease) or their carers or loved ones who are also affected by the disease.
i recognise that this may well
be a small pool and that we may have to supplement from elsewhere including
overseas; there has already been interest from Germany and Belgium.
Where they come from, male or female, is unimportant so long as they are as we.
WHY ???
to raise the profile of Parkinson's desease the need to support them by raising as much money as possible to further Parkinson's research.
To ride a motorcycle for 200 continuous laps of IOM TT circuit at road legal speeds, without the engine stopping, taking no more than 10 days to do it.
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